Remote Ice Camp

A camp stands on a frozen expanse of the lake’s surface. Trodden snow pressed into rough trenches forms paths to and from a group of igloos—dome structures of hewn ice and snow. Each protruding entrance, covered in hanging skins, points toward the bowl-like center of the site, where wisps of smoke rise into the still, […]

Mountain Camp

A steep trail winds along the lowest point of the ridge, through snow-dusted meadows with grass browning in the season’s chill. Fiery colors of autumn light the trees, all young and short. Upslope, to the northeast, an orderly palisade of thick logs and timber watch towers guard against ascent. Clouds flood the lower reaches of […]

Opulent Ballroom

The magnificent ballroom speaks of fabulous wealth, flaunted without restraint. The vaulted ceiling glows, soft and golden, in the candlelight of several chandeliers. On the north side of the ballroom, an alcove houses extraordinary golden statuary that unfailingly draws the eye. A railed terrace spans the far wall, and stairs at either end of the […]

Giant Elk Tavern

A grand two-story structure comes into view long before you reach it. The design gives the building an off-kilter kind of look—resembling ascending steps, or perhaps a beast raising its head to better view the countryside. The ground floor consists of a bustling bar and dining area, as well as an open-air stable where mounts […]

Broken Bridge and Bone Nest

Once a monument of trade and pilgrimage, this bridge now lies shattered, with only a few columns of weather-beaten stone marking its watery grave. Your mind rings with distant echoes of an imagined past, envisioning those who may have walked across the causeway.
This two-part map depicts a broken bridge spanning a flooded canyon leading to […]

Cave of a Thousand Waterfalls

The cavernous underground chamber echoes with the susurrus of cascading water. Ages of erosion from an aboveground source have carved the chamber into a series of rock shelves, sinkholes, and land bridges. The water seems to flow without end, shimmering in the light that pierces the chamber roof.
This expansive map depicts a deep chamber where […]

Mountain Outpost

The approach to the outpost follows a deep valley with a dry riverbed. The shrubs are in autumn colors, and pale grasses clutch the ground. Granite scree and wet snow hold to the mountainside, but the valley runs under the looming potential for avalanche. The outpost is sturdily constructed of the mountain’s own stone and […]

Mountaintop: Cosmic Dragon and Hot Springs

Six inscrutable yellow eyes—each the size of a wagon wheel—regard you with unfathomable curiosity. Wisps of etheric mist swirl around the dragon’s enormous head—like hair caught by a summer breeze—flowing in a current you cannot feel. Lights pulse in a hypnotic pattern throughout the majestic creature’s body, dancing across the fluid star-scape that drifts over […]

Baba Yaga’s Domain

Whorls of wind buffet you, its whistling high and teasing as you come face to face with a house on giant legs, standing in the glade. A bug-eyed chicken head of dark metal crowns the gable of this raised wooden home…and appears to be staring at you. Metal slats decorate the two sloped sides of […]

Floating Village

A balmy breeze teases the waves as they ebb and flow around the village that rides on them. With each movement of the sea, the structure creaks, ropes tighten, and salt-dusted planks groan. Gulls screech as they drift above the sun-bleached roofs—their mournful cries of hunger sounding forlorn—while schools of fish dart beneath the surface, […]