Prison Transport

This twenty-eight-ton ship, the Odobenus, is acutely segmented, with the bridge flanked by two escape pods and connected to the main section of the ship by a narrow but heavily-secured airlock, like a head and neck. The middle section is a ribcage of armored beams—protecting both colossal cryogenic storage units and the ship’s hull. The ship is bottom heavy and covered in hardened plating over the quarters and departments, all of which flank two burly engines: the information you pull up on final approach indicates they’re retrofitted Calcut 3000 drives capable of impressive speeds, even with a full crew.

These 13 map variants—containing a whopping 120 unique descriptions—depict the prison transport ship Odobenus in various states and perspectives. Suffice to say, it’s not having a good day in some of them. Are your players here to break in, break out, or escort?

Art by Czepeku Sci-Fi. Support them to access variations of this work and more!

Join the discussion about using this map in your campaign by heading over to the Discord Hero channel.

Included Scenes:

Aft Access

Aft Access Doors

Aft Separation

Aft Shielding of Transport

Aft Storage Cabin

Aft Storage in Breached Transport

Aft Storage with Viewport

Approach to Breached Transport

Approach to Fractured Transport

Approach to Prison Transport

Approach to Prison Transport Massacre

Approach to Shielded Transport

Armored Cryomodule Ribcage

Armored Cryomodule Ribcage

Armored Nosecone and Defense Systems

Blood-Soaked Max Security Airlock

Blood-Spattered Aft Access Doors

Blood-Spattered Bridge Command Console

Blood-Spattered Interior Hull and Cryomodules

Blood-Streaked Port Escape Pod

Blood-Streaked Science Lab

Blood-Streaked Starboard Escape Pod

Bloody Guard Station and Cryo-Monitors

Bloody Nosecone and Defense Systems

Bloody Quarters

Blue-Lit Crew Quarters

Blue-Lit Escape Pods

Breached Nosecone and Defense Systems

Breached Plating over Transporter and Engineering

Breached Port Hull Cryomodule Ribcage

Bridge Command Console

Bridge on Auxiliary Power

Calcut 3000 Drives of Breached Transport

Carnage in Engineering

Cold Calcut 3000 Drives

Colorful Bridge Command Console

Compromised Junction Between Mid and Aft Sections

Compromised Max-Security Airlock

Compromised Security and Cryo-Monitors

Crew Quarters

Crew Quarters in Breached Transport

Cryogenic Prisoner Cells

Damaged Bridge Command Console

Damaged Engineering Rooms

Damaged Hull and Cryomodules

Damaged Max-Security Airlock

Damaged Max-Security Airlock

Damaged Nosecone and Defense Systems

Damaged Plating over Storage and Science Lab

Damaged Port Escape Pod

Damaged Port Escape Pod

Damaged Port Escape Pod Linkage

Damaged Security and Cryo-Monitors

Damaged Starboard Escape Pod

Damaged Starboard Escape Pod Linkage

Damaged Transporter

Debris-Damaged Storage and Science Lab Plating

Defense Systems

Destroyed Interior Storage

Destroyed Port Hull

Destroyed Starboard Hull

Dislocated Port Escape Pod

Engine Debris

Engineering Plating

Engineering Room

Escape Pod

Escape Pod Crew Bench

Escape Pod Docking Hatch

Escape Pod Docking Linkage

Escape Pod Engineering and Life Support

Escape Pod Fuel Tank

Escape Pod Helm

Escape Pod Helm Canopy

Escape Pod Hull and Thrusters

Escape Pod Linkage Release

Escape Pod Survival Gear

Escape Pod Viewport

Escape Pods and Linkage Units

Escape Pods and Max-Security Airlock

Frosty Starboard Hull Cryomodules

Guard Station and Cryo-Monitors

Guns and Shield Generators

Humming Nosecone and Defense Systems

Inside Breached Transport

Inside Escape Pod

Inside Fractured Transport

Inside Shielded Transport

Inside Transport after Massacre

Lost Calcut 3000 Engines

Max-Security Airlock Indicator

Maximum Security Airlock

Minimally Damaged Science Lab

Minimally Damaged Starboard Escape Pod

Minimally Damaged Transporter

Port Hull and Cryomodule Ribcage

Protected Max-Security Airlock

Protected Transporter

Reinforced Aft Access

Resistant Cryomodule Ribcage

Retrofit Calcut 3000 Drives

Rimed Plating

Risky Starboard Escape Pod

Scratched Starboard Escape Pod Linkage

Shield Generator

Shielded Calcut 3000 Drives

Shielded Engineering

Shielded Guard Station and Cryo-Monitors

Shielded Science Lab

Shielded Transporter

Smashed Engineering

Starboard Hull Cryomodules

Starboard Science Lab

Storage and Science Lab Plating

Tearing of Science Lab and Quarters

The Odobenus Prison Transport

Transport Systems Failure

Transporter Room

Unlit Aft Access Doors

Warped Max-Security Airlock

Wrenched Max-Security Airlock