Sheltered Oasis

Scattered cookfires sputter beneath the chill wind of the desert’s oppressive night. The oasis hosts many this eve, small groups huddled together in the shadow of towering dunes. The horseshoe-shaped freshwater lake reflects the stars above, glimmering like a pool of diamonds amid the surrounding sand that spans leagues in all directions. Light flickers from the red-roofed pagoda at the lake’s heart.

This night and day map depicts an oasis and pagoda sheltered by a massive, horseshoe sand dune cupping a freshwater seep lake. These features host a perennial campsite of travelers, peddlers, and wanderers. Are your players passing through, exploring the history of the site, searching for someone in camp, or just seeking refuge from the elements? Toggle between day and night by using the box in the top right corner. Find descriptive text for various features by hovering over them on the map, or browse all included scenes in the list below. Works best on desktop.

Art by Dovekie Studios. Support them to access variations of this work and more!

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