Opulent Ballroom

The magnificent ballroom speaks of fabulous wealth, flaunted without restraint. The vaulted ceiling glows, soft and golden, in the candlelight of several chandeliers. On the north side of the ballroom, an alcove houses extraordinary golden statuary that unfailingly draws the eye. A railed terrace spans the far wall, and stairs at either end of the terrace lead down to the green marble floor, which surrounds the gleaming dance floor at the heart of the ballroom.

This map depicts a gorgeous ballroom during the day as well as during an exhibit. Are your players here to waltz, foxtrot, or cha-cha-cha? Find descriptive text for various features by hovering over them on the map, or browse all included scenes in the list below. Works best on desktop.


Art by Czepeku. Support them to access variations of this work and more!

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