Shark Corpse

The shark’s corpse is little more than a ragged, blood-soaked cadaver being jostled by the foaming…

Beached Whale Corpse

An overwhelming stench of brine and rotting seaweed washes over you as you approach the massive…

Beached Living Whale

Coated in sand and kelp, the stranded behemoth lacks the graceful majesty it commands beneath the…

Inexplicably Still Sea

The great expanse of the sea is as smooth as a pane of glass. An errant…


Godlike, the gamemaster looms large—an abstruse storyteller, a wielder of esoteric imagination. Clad in smug preeminence,…

Skeletal Victim of Spike Trap

A grim scene meets your eyes, a past victim of the underworld’s defenses transfixed by blood-stained…

Finn Hendrix

Ice-colored eyes, sharp and cold, stare out from under silver brows, the left one divided by…

Lemuel the Bounty Hunter

A fugitive skids to a halt before a dead end. Behind them, their pursuer whistles a…

Fren Da’Ship

The hulking metal body groans as the warforged moves. Tall, with shoulders as broad as a…

Galadir the Jester

A well-dressed young man on horseback gazes around with a look of undisguised awe in his…