Opulent Ballroom

The magnificent ballroom speaks of fabulous wealth, flaunted without restraint. The vaulted ceiling glows, soft and golden, in the candlelight of several chandeliers. On the north side of the ballroom, an alcove houses extraordinary golden statuary that unfailingly draws the eye. A railed terrace spans the far wall, and stairs at either end of the […]

Edge of the World

Thick alien vegetation opens on an expanse of floating rock—vast stones hovering with lazy ease, making a path of sorts toward a great towering square mass. Mysterious lines of light cross the crumbling passageway, lighting odd areas of stone a hazy blue. Above and below, the night stars glitter like endless jewels sewn to the […]

Vacuum Tanker

A teal glint glimmers from the void: a tanker propelled by two gleaming blue thrusters. Cylindrical black tanks straddle the main cabin—one on each side—their orange-lit gauges indicating current capacity levels. The sky-blue hull winks in the light of the nearest sun, its contents a mystery to all but the crew within, since galactic tankers […]

Prison Transport

This twenty-eight-ton ship, the Odobenus, is acutely segmented, with the bridge flanked by two escape pods and connected to the main section of the ship by a narrow but heavily-secured airlock, like a head and neck. The middle section is a ribcage of armored beams—protecting both colossal cryogenic storage units and the ship’s hull. The […]


The sleek, polished craft in the docking bay is resplendent beneath the floodlights of the space port. Magenta chevrons on the asymmetrical wings of the ship stand in stark contrast to the gleaming white hull and shining teal plexiglass of the cockpit. An open hatch atop the craft is level with the gantry extending from […]

Mountain Arena

Blue mist flows from the hollows below the cliff face, pouring down the sheer stone walls like a slow waterfall until it hits a line of faint, silvery glyphs. There, it reverses. It curls back on itself, then dissipates in wisps. Beyond, moonlight reveals a misty valley and reflects from a river far below.
This summer, […]

Mountaintop Observatory

The view through the telescope is astonishing. Stars that once looked so uniform from the ground suddenly gain stark individuality. They vary in size, brightness, color… Even how they twinkle through the telescope’s glass has taken on a life of its own.
This map depicts a marvelous observatory perched far, far above the surrounding lands, on […]

Faerie Ballroom

Golden sunlight, warm and dappled, bleeds through the stained glass and falls across the crystalline floor of the expansive ballroom. The glass depicts myriad figures and events, radiating outward from a towering tree whose branches entangle them all, connecting history through root and bough. To the left of the tree, golden figures bathed in light […]

Owl Cave

Shadows and light dance over the rough floor, thrown across the chamber and up the walls by torches ensconced in stalagmites. They reveal a great gap in the floor spanned by a sturdy bridge of stone. Somewhere in the dimness below, a great subterranean river flows. You spy signs of past travelers strewn about the […]

Kelp Forest

This underwater forest stretches as far as the eye can see. The long stalks and bunches of green leaves sway in the gentle push and pull of the sea. Creatures weave between the growths, including sleek, gray sharks…
The trench abandons the cerulean blue of the waters above, giving way to a yawning darkness. Peering into […]