Aasimar Standing with Greatsword

The eyes of the celestialkin are as gold under a head of long black hair as…

Holy Sword on Exhibit

The long, double-edged sword has a wide, turquoise-colored blade etched with the image of a rose…

Rer’wyn, Curator of Osiris

The tall young man has a peaceful air, glowing with a warm celestial light. He pulls…

Rahima Al-Abbas

Marching forth is the divine incarnation of justice, greatsword extended before her. A fell wind blasts…

Lodus Aganazzar

The celestialkin leans against the wall, his muscular frame at ease. A street lantern illuminates his…

G’varhodir Gvybodythe

Liquid moonlight kisses the pallid priestess as she takes a weighty tome from the vast collection…

Ylsbeth Nurievna

A halfling woman, wired with muscle and fairly tall at four feet, wags the end of…

Xenia the Righteous

The sun dances across white-blond hair as the tall knight removes her helm. Golden markings twist…

Wenro Virlar

Here is the countenance and bearing of a soldier, a celestial paladin of radiance. From a…

Albert “Norticus” Welmington

Plate armor the color of dark bronze covers this tall, strapping old man. His gauntlets, greaves,…