
Godlike, the gamemaster looms large—an abstruse storyteller, a wielder of esoteric imagination. Clad in smug preeminence,…

Townsfolk Give Report of Monster Sighting

“We were looking through that old house, up on the hill. Nothing sinister, just thought the…

Summon Aberration

Your eyes reflect the expanse’s vacuous black, and alien babble spills from your lips with the…

Suddenly Vulnerable Town Attacked by Dragon

The winged lizard banks lazily in the air, warm drafts buffeting old, scaled wings. The outskirts…

Lurker in the Doorway

The stone steps lead down to a wooden door left ajar. Clawlike slashes rend straight through…

Demonic Fungus Deity Speaks

Within the fungi-filled cavern, a central mushroom dominates the space like some huge obscene altar. A…

Wounded Boar Makes a Choice

Blood, sticky and red, creeps down the heaving flanks of the boar, dribbling from the shafts…

Surprise Fanfare upon Heroic Return

Trumpets erupt with startling fanfare as you approach, greeted by a swath of smiling faces and…

Elf Scout Targets Raiders

Tension cords her muscles as the elf draws back, her gaze fixed to the slavering horde…

Dumpster Fire Elemental

The smell of burning refuse ignites in a sulfurous explosion as the dumpster’s walls balloon outward….