Yeti Corpse

Snow dusts the blood-smeared fur of the fallen yeti, and the corpse is already becoming difficult…

Mountain Village at Sunset

Sunset paints the world crimson, with a village huddling beneath the ominous shadow of a gargantuan…

Explorer Surveying Arctic Valley

Arctic winds wrench at the cloak of the explorer, as if seeking to pull them to…

Cliff Northwest of Wyvern Crossroads

The air around the cliff has the shocking yet refreshing chill of a shaded spring, and…

West from Wyvern Crossroads

The mood of this honeyed country shifts as the shade of the western mounts dulls the…

Earthbound Compass Rose

Four ways lead out from the crossroads, the breeze playing with their sand and pebbles—the rustles…

Magic-Nullifying Gas, Spell Stripper: In Use

A telltale snick is followed by the steady hiss of a scarlet haze filling the air…

Emotion-Altering Drug, “Guts”: Inhaled

You press the canister’s trigger and huff a dose of gaseous courage. Your chest clenches painfully…

Anti-Anxiety Street Drug, “Zone”: Ingested

As the tablet near instantly dissolves into your system, your anxiety calms. The knot in your…

Loot from an Azer

The azer’s bronze body is a motionless husk, its internal flames extinguished. An electrum torc around…