Endless Dungeon 32: Forgotten Arena

Blood-stained sands and bleached, rotten bones fill the floor of the desolate arena. Skeletons hang from the cruel, rusted manacles hammered into large pillars jutting from the earth, like tombstones of the forgotten dead. Stepped rows of benches line the fighting pit—a gallery for bloodthirsty spectators.
This map depicts one level of an “endless dungeon,” and […]

Mountain Arena

Blue mist flows from the hollows below the cliff face, pouring down the sheer stone walls like a slow waterfall until it hits a line of faint, silvery glyphs. There, it reverses. It curls back on itself, then dissipates in wisps. Beyond, moonlight reveals a misty valley and reflects from a river far below.
This summer, […]

Ancient Arena

The walls of this ancient arena have been all but destroyed, only a few remaining pillars and crumbling bits of edifice remaining. Though the fighting circle was large indeed, there is no sign of a hypogeum nor a proper foundation remaining, only scattered bits of travertine stone and random pieces of a colossal statue lying […]