Green Ring Gas: In Use

The steel canister clatters against the floor with a series of hollow plinks before settling to…

Resistance-Boosting Drug, Basilisk Blood

An iron scent cleaves the air and singes at your nostrils. Within its thin vial, the…

Green Ring Gas Grenade

This grenade, lightweight and chill to the touch, has an army-green ring encircling its steel canister–shaped…

Corrupted Arm

Flesh writhes and pulses below the tourniquet, forming into horrifying new shapes as the tissue distorts…

Trying to Resist Your Hunger for Blood

The hunger burns through you like a raging inferno, testing your sanity with every agonizing pang….

Temple to a Goddess of Disease

The temple is immaculately clean and polished—and full of hushed solemnity. Rooms off the main corridor…

Temple to a God of Strategy

The temple is a square tower of imposing height, with many lookouts, windows, and balconies. In…

Dead and Diseased Village

Upon your approach to the eerily silent village, an odor of decay reaches your nostrils. The…