Dalthoros Quick-Fang

Hunger—savage and ruinous—lingers in the shadowed crimson eyes of the cloaked warrior, his gaze holding an…

Dark Intent

I whisper to my masters below as I cut my hand with the bolt—the blood a…

Crimson Wings

Bloodlust carries me on crimson wings as I spin, my [weapon] tracing a bloody path….

Apex Poise

With a high, arcing leap I am frozen for a moment with my weapon raised over…

Lost in the Hunt

My eyes never stray from my target, even as I pull an arrow and draw the…

Frenzied Heat

A ball of fiery rage burns in my gut, and I release its frenzied heat through…

Relentless Aggression

I lash out and immediately rear my [weapon] back to stab again, refusing to give myself—or…

Sodden Slash

I storm forward, spilling across the battlefield like an inundated aqueduct, my [weapon] whistling in the…

Ode to Apocalypse

I slouch forward like a vexing nightmare, my gaze blank and pitiless as the sun. I…

Sanguine Promise

I let the bolt pierce my finger as I load it into the crossbow. The drop…