Hexidor “Hex” Silverring

With a bounding leap, the striking harefolk rogue lands amid the bandits like a meteor, scattering…

Vital Prize

I pull back on my bowstring in silence, like a pickpocket opening the coin purse of…

Rogues on Alert

A rough-looking pair of individuals occupies one of the quieter tables in the tavern. They sip…

Caravan Attacked by Hostage-Taking Bandits

As the caravan trundles through the dense forest, the passengers notice an unsettling sound—silence. Moments later…

Ranger Presented with First Firearm

The firearm has a hardwood stock as big as the back of a chair, and a…

Fly-By of a Reaver

The sleek design recalls that of a high-end racing ship, though this tanker shows no sign…

Shadowy Space Cantina

Hooded figures lurking in shadowy alcoves, illicit deals, and brutal fights are regular occurrences in this…

Space Pirate Flagship: Disorderly Bridge

Nothing is standardized aboard the flagship’s ample bridge, with every piece of equipment clearly looted and…

Runner Escapes Pursuers along Rooftop

A runner leaps across the gap between rooftops above, landing with a roll and pounding away…

Police Roust Contraband Dealers

A small group of hooded individuals crowd together at the corner, the only unfamiliar aspect of…