Blue Dragonborn Knight

The draconic knight rushes toward you with a savage battle cry, their fang-filled maw open wide….

Kava Norixius

A young woman cavorts on stage, a spectacle of flamboyant color. Faint green scales glitter on…

Temple to a Dragon Goddess

Dragons carved in stone perch at the edge of the temple’s shingled roof. Columns shaped like…

Vivace the Half-Dragon

A stately figure—half dragon, half human—settles into a zen-like posture. Short and impressive, her slender bulk…

Dragon Fang

I charge forward to attack, my [weapon] the piercing fang of a dragon’s snapping jaw….

Lashing Gnashing

I slither like a drake, eating the distance between me and my target, then lash forward—my…

Spinning Synchronicity

I launch my [weapon] and loose a roar that undulates in spinning synchronicity….

Fire and Ire

I embody the dragon, filled with fire and ire, swinging my [weapon] like claws, chest heaving…

Adventurers’ Feasts

Two parties feast at side-by-side tables. The spirits run high at one: “Tomorrow we set forth…

Palidan, “The Bright”

Radiance emanates from the golden draconic warrior like dazzling solar rays, his very presence awash in…