Fernando Lamas

A man with the blended features of human and drow, and the bearing of a gentleman,…

Sir Adrann Falconhand

An armored knight strides into view, gleaming plates of steel surrounding his body. His right hand…

Peregrin Jones

The sapphire eyes of this young cleric gleam with the fervor of some inner drive—an inward…

Alistair Muir

The captain stands relaxed at the helm, an easy right hand on the wheel, as his…

Kalim, Son of Jahiri

The sleek saber-toothed tiger plodding beside this man seems like his feral twin. He’s as tall…

Weeping Mandrakes at Inn

Quivering whimpers rise from the potted plants at the end of the hall, and the spindly…

Bartenders Spring into Action

The bar staff curse as they see drinks and fists begin to fly but move to…

Brawl in Giant Elk Tavern

As a gang turns on the half-elf bartender, another drama plays out at the card table…

Rogues on Alert

A rough-looking pair of individuals occupies one of the quieter tables in the tavern. They sip…

Tending a Busy Bar

Three bartenders work in practiced tandem, moving around each other as if in a familiar dance….