Quip by a Technoshaman about Ignorance

“You purists make me laugh. How can simple organic life possibly be more complex than the…

Chastising a Cleric of the Phoenix

“I already told ya, ya great flaming fool, ya can’t be burning down every village and…

Persona Non Grata

Folk have biffed it before, but the collateral damage here is profound. Old allies shift uncomfortably…

Speech by an Ancient Species about Humans Reaching Space

“Your species stumbled its way to the stars. Mad apes, grasping at the twinkling lights in…

Quip about Being Incompetent

“Okay, I’m a bit of a screwup. But tell me this, if all of us were…

Elf Nobleman

A sneer of derision creases the noble’s handsome features into a cruel reflection of his contempt…

Imperious Contempt

I watch the movements of my foe with a combination of pity and disgust—how could one…

Teaching Moment

The backhand blow is an impertinent lesson punctuated by pain; I am a dedicated instructor and…

Taunt by a Subterranean Warlord about Taking the Surface

“The surface is just a thin veneer, a layer of gloss covering the depths, and yet…

Indignation at Your Arrival

A low susurrus ripples through the flock of people as you draw near, although it is…