Gibbering Mouther’s Incoherent Babble

A susurration of prattling babble fills the air with budding discordance. It rises in pitch, layers…

Whispers of the Void

The void surrounds you like a smothering blanket, pressing in on your senses as your heartbeat…

Trying to Resist Your Hunger for Blood

The hunger burns through you like a raging inferno, testing your sanity with every agonizing pang….

Psychic Voices Build in Intensity

Like the soft pattering of falling snow, the voices begin as whispers, lost on the biting…

Jibber Jabber

I laugh and hoot like a Gibbering Mouther in an insane mockery of the foe. My…

Maddening Maze

Reality twists upon itself in maddening spirals, clawing at your sanity, as you delve deeper into…

Sensation of Memory Loss

The world feels incomplete. Your world. Though the thoughts elude you like wraiths in the fog,…

Starving, Blood-Crazed Vampire

In the shadows writhes an emaciated vampire, eyes ablaze with insanity. Its skeletal frame trembles with…

Demon of Madness Invades Kuo-toa City

The cold, incomprehensible darkness of the depths tears at your mind, forcing you to imagine unspeakable…

Party Engages in Combat with a Cyberpsycho

Their body moves like a puppet yanked to and fro by a fishing line, throwing themself…