Carnal Pleasures Cyberpunk Club

The dull thump of pounding bass draws people down the seedy alleyway, the alluring hue of…

Ranger Presented with First Firearm

The firearm has a hardwood stock as big as the back of a chair, and a…

Bugbear Scout

Matted brown fur coats limbs too long for the soldier’s muscular body, and dark warpaint daubed…

De’le’mak Cromwell

The humanoid before you—an odd creature of indeterminate heritage—strikes an imposing figure in both his stature…

Hershal, “The Red Death”

A deep scar—the striking, icy blue of a glacial lake—runs beneath an eye patch on the…

Xanner Melaer, “Vile Tongue” of House Bartal

The flowing black cloak that bedecks the shoulders of a slender bugbear displays a vibrant image…

Krix Urgawa

The bugbear, distinguished and refined, stands with his back straight and bearded chin up. His golden…

Wally Whipper

This behemoth of a bugbear could be nothing else but a pirate, with his loose seafarer’s…

Bugbear Battle: Bugbears

These huge humanoids sidle and stalk rather than walk, only to lunge at surprising moments. Each…


The beastly humanoid is a tower, a bulwark of scar-lined, furry flesh and piecemeal armor. With…