Criminal in Gibbet

A criminal hangs forlornly in a gibbet, a brutal display of harsh justice. Crows circle ominously…

Raja Rakshasa

The comely orator dissolves into the streaked amber fur of an adult tiger, and its illusory…

Herd of Woolly Mammoths

The frozen earth shakes as the lumbering giants draw near, heralded by the trumpeting cry of…

Caravan Passes Huge Skull

As the caravan plods through the arid wasteland, it passes a colossal, weathered skull. The uncanny…

Bison Herd

A thousand or more bison form a vast herd, ponderously ranging over the countryside while grazing….

Herd of Hadrosaurs

Low, braying calls—like cattle on the range—mark the herd meandering across the plains, unhurried in their…

Loot from a Black Dragon Wyrmling

Something glitters around one of the wyrmling’s charcoal horns: a fine gold chain with a gold…

Laden Wagon Pulled by Horses

A wagon trundles along this well-used road, heavy with cargo and drawn by a team of…

Elk Herd

Hundreds of elk, with russet coats and dark, shaggy necks, make steady progress on an overland…