Primal Savagery

The blood in your veins surges, searing with acridity as acid suffuses you. Your fingers flex,…

Heroes’ Feast

You raise a gem-studded bowl high—in a grand gesture—before spiking it toward the ground, then rest…

Dwarven Cleric Forging Armor

Ringing strikes sing as resonantly and clearly as a bell. The forge cleric’s workshop acoustically sharpens…

Smith’s Forge Song

Like all work songs, dwarven forge chants drive hands and tools toward rhythm and regularity. This…

Rallying Speech Invoking Roben Stormrider

“As we prepare to plunge into the fray, know that Stormrider himself watches over us. Remember…

Last Crank

One battle is a day’s labor. Like a miller or a hauler I turn the crank,…

Effects of Heroes’ Feast

Guttering flames atop golden candlesticks flicker over empty plates. At the end of the meal, you…

Adventurers’ Feasts

Two parties feast at side-by-side tables. The spirits run high at one: “Tomorrow we set forth…

Rallying Speech before Facing an Apocalyptic Foe

“We’ve seen much of this world go up in flames. Many have been lost, and many…

Oath of the Crown Paladin Describes His Strength

“Do not mistake me for some zealot in service to those fickle entities calling themselves gods….