Druidic Menagerie

The main path through the wildlife park seems more like a trail through wilderness. On each…

Instructor’s Lesson about Saint Alessa Bookbinder

“Do your eyes grow heavy? Does your mind stray? I know these texts can be difficult…

Teaching Moment

The backhand blow is an impertinent lesson punctuated by pain; I am a dedicated instructor and…

State University of Technology and Thaumaturgy

Four large buildings line a paved quad with a statue of the school’s founder—standing with one…

Ranger Presented with First Firearm

The firearm has a hardwood stock as big as the back of a chair, and a…

School for Spellcasters Setting

The unique tinge of magic laces the air. Bookcases line the looming walls, and books shudder…

Hirsute Teenage Aliens on Class Trip

The swarthy rabble of teenagers resembles a herd of grazing beasts as they meander through the…

Xenolinguistic Lecturer

The titles of the books tucked beneath the lecturer’s many arms are written in a baffling…

University Lecturer Visiting from Another System

Each of the lecturer’s many eye stalks holds a lens, each with a distinct and beautifully…

Fatigued Educator

The beleaguered teacher rubs their eyes with exasperation as the stress of managing the unruly class…