
You incant a strand of chitinous consonants and flick your index finger. Your target begins to…


This throbbing red-orange slug gives off a putrid reek of raw petroleum. Its body undulates with…

Dawn Core-Diver

From the ground emerges a thick gold-white carapace. The insectoid creature tears itself skyward, sporting brutish…

Termites Feasting in Abandoned Inn

Pale bodies of termites cover the walls, floor, and furniture of the room in scuttling, clicking…

Horde of Spiders in Hearth

[Perceived] This stone hearth has become a nest for spiders. Layers of web extend into the…

Termite-Ridden Room

A green glass bottle and tumbler on the side table smell of stale whiskey. The open…

Linen Closet with Critters

Pieces of parchment crunch underfoot as you enter a storage closet that has become a haven…

Complaints about Ransacked Room

“I paid for a soft bed in a clean room,” says a stern halfling, clapping her…

Juvenile Atlapak

Like one of their prehistoric aquatic ancestors, this crustacean scuttles along on eight pairs of legs,…

Astro-Krill Swarm

Dazzling lights flash through this shadowy swarm. Each tiny crustacean is an armored thing—bound tight in…