Herd of Woolly Mammoths

The frozen earth shakes as the lumbering giants draw near, heralded by the trumpeting cry of…

Loot from a Black Dragon Wyrmling

Something glitters around one of the wyrmling’s charcoal horns: a fine gold chain with a gold…

Herd of Hadrosaurs

Low, braying calls—like cattle on the range—mark the herd meandering across the plains, unhurried in their…

Sundries from a Black Dragon Wyrmling

A colorful scarf is knotted around the slain wyrmling’s glossy black neck. Unfurling the fabric reveals…

Pterosaurs in Flight

Silhouetted against the blazing sun, wings spread wide, the pterosaurs evoke a primal majesty few can…

Sleeping Crocodilian

Basking in the warm afternoon sun, the sleeping reptilian predator resembles a large, flat rock. The…

Loot from a Black Dracolich’s Lair

Four humanoid skeletons hang gibbeted under a crumbling stone arch in the lich dragon’s lair. Their…

Sleeping Velociraptors

A chorus of soft, rhythmic trills accompanies the steady breaths of the sleeping raptor pack, their…

Sundries from a Black Dracolich

Whatever was left of the black dragon lich’s taut, festering flesh begins to slough away all…

Sleeping Ichthyosaurs

Drifting lazily in the ocean currents, a pod of ichthyosaurs slumbers among the fronds of a…