
A primordial bellow rips through your body and echoes through the world. The ground shakes as…

Leomund’s Tiny Hut

You heave your arms over your head until your palms collide with a mighty clap, which…


The caster blows into a small papery funnel. Deep water wells up in a broad puddle,…

Hail of Thorns

The caster sends their ranged weapon whistling through the air. As it connects, wicked barbs erupt…

Grasping Vine

A spot on the ground cracks and dank earth bubbles up, the smell of freshly turned…

Druid Grove

A golden sickle gleams in one hand; in the other, you bear a sprig of mistletoe,…

Wrath of Nature

Your ancient words reverberate through the earth—and the earth responds. Formless spirits of nature awaken within…

Create Bonfire

With a subtle gesture and whispered word, the fire bursts into life—a smoldering ball of flames…

Control Winds

You raise your face and arms to the sky in summons, and it acquiesces with an…

Bones of the Earth

You raise your hands, and the world answers with a roar of exploding earth. Jagged pillars…