Pharaoh’s Tomb

An ambience of decrepitude lingers within this low-ceilinged room. Upon the walls, unnatural flames flicker inside rune-etched sconces, but their crackling flames exude no heat. Gem-encrusted chests placed around the perimeter of the room sparkle in the dim light, and numerous burial urns have their throats sealed with blood-red wax, clay skins marred by soot. […]

Tomb of Sand

The ritual sand paintings on the floor continue out onto the stage, which is flanked by curved platforms. On them are low-bordered niches for the preparation of the dead. The stage looks over the long dromos—the walkway that crosses the sand-strewn floor—marked by the stages of the dead’s journey.
This exquisite map depicts the exterior of […]

Endless Dungeon 41: The Ouroboros

The passage leads away to either side, eventually curving out of sight. A charge dances on the cool air, carrying with it the scents of ozone and charcoal. It pulses in time with the rise and fall of the rippling sea-green radiance issuing from the masonry lining every surface—which gives the impression of being underwater. […]

Lava Flow Through a Graveyard

Something strange is happening in this day and night map of a graveyard: it’s been cut in two by a lava flow, and there’s an open grave… perhaps dug by the gravekeeper who lives here. Find finely crafted boxed text for various features and buildings by hovering over them on the map, or browse all […]

Derion’s Cemetery

This map of a cemetery in summer and winter offers an engaging destination for the party. It can be used to develop a character’s backstory or local lore, or to encounter the undead, and it contains a simple word puzzle that can lead to a lost artifact or a hidden entrance to passages beneath the […]