Opulent Ballroom

The magnificent ballroom speaks of fabulous wealth, flaunted without restraint. The vaulted ceiling glows, soft and golden, in the candlelight of several chandeliers. On the north side of the ballroom, an alcove houses extraordinary golden statuary that unfailingly draws the eye. A railed terrace spans the far wall, and stairs at either end of the […]

Mountain Outpost

The approach to the outpost follows a deep valley with a dry riverbed. The shrubs are in autumn colors, and pale grasses clutch the ground. Granite scree and wet snow hold to the mountainside, but the valley runs under the looming potential for avalanche. The outpost is sturdily constructed of the mountain’s own stone and […]

Faerie Ballroom

Golden sunlight, warm and dappled, bleeds through the stained glass and falls across the crystalline floor of the expansive ballroom. The glass depicts myriad figures and events, radiating outward from a towering tree whose branches entangle them all, connecting history through root and bough. To the left of the tree, golden figures bathed in light […]

Undead Swamp

An acrid odor rises from the twilit fens, a brackish mingling of rot and refuse. A slick of algae lends a ghostly green tinge to the placid water, rippling only occasionally with the passing of prowling serpents and things viler still. One’s reflection in the grimy bog takes on a haunted, sunken-eyed appearance, startlingly skull-like.
This […]

Ancient Battlefield (Free)

This map depicts the remnants of an epic battle waged long ago. Bones—some terrifying in scale—and scattered stonework tell fragments of a story for the history books. Is it a story of defeat, victory, or neither? Find finely crafted boxed text for various features by hovering over them on the map, or browse all included […]