Druid Corpse

The hot, fungal stench reaches you before you see the body in the tall grass. Wounds…

Ranger Corpse

A rough woolen cloak shrouds the slumped form resting at the foot of a tree, and…

Archer Corpse

The archer’s bow is still gripped tightly by the corpse’s hand. The fingers are pale, frozen…

Corpse of a Giant Ape

The huge, simian creature stares blankly at the heavens through glassy eyes, its fanged mouth hanging…

Bard Corpse

Wit and charm were not enough to save this loquacious minstrel from a sticky end, and…

Adventurer with Axe and Shield

Through the mist strides a lone warrior, his bearded visage taut with suspicion. Clad in mail…

Master Merchant in Her Shop

The shopkeeper’s scarred face is graced with a pained smile as she welcomes you and gestures…

Finn Hendrix

Ice-colored eyes, sharp and cold, stare out from under silver brows, the left one divided by…

Lemuel the Bounty Hunter

A fugitive skids to a halt before a dead end. Behind them, their pursuer whistles a…

Monk of the Viper Fist

The monk’s battle-hardened face tenses, his lips parting as his teeth clench. With a growl, he…