Cultist Corpse

The robed figure lies hunched over a blood-stained tome, their hands set in a clawed rictus…

Floating Citadel Approaches Ship

Bursting from swollen storm clouds, a miracle of artifice looms large in the sky, a pallid…

Lemuel the Bounty Hunter

A fugitive skids to a halt before a dead end. Behind them, their pursuer whistles a…

North from Wyvern Crossroads

The northern road takes a gentle bend to the east through meadows filled with the sounds…


Gazing upward, you speak the words of the spell in puffs and sighs, wisps of vapor…

Arcanum Manse: Closed Till Dawn

Under the rainy night’s soggy cloak, Arcanum Manse pulses with esoteric light. Its glass rooms, intertwined…

Sheath’s Bacchanal

By day, Sheath’s Taproom is a place of peaceful relaxation, where weapons remain in their scabbards….

Portentous Bivvy in the Rain

Rain patters like the echoes of a drumbeat on the canvas roof of the odd tent…

Roar Coliseum at Night

The dark of night and drumming of rain do little to dampen the noise of Roar…

The Bleeding Place after Dark

The night’s darkness is embodied in the duels that occur in the Bleeding Place after sundown:…