Yeti Corpse

Snow dusts the blood-smeared fur of the fallen yeti, and the corpse is already becoming difficult…

Explorer Surveying Arctic Valley

Arctic winds wrench at the cloak of the explorer, as if seeking to pull them to…

Drazhan Vantchev

Implacable as the mountains he has surely climbed and conquered, the chieftain’s stare is as cold…

Arctic Shipwreck

A ship that once ran aground on the ice sits partially buried under many seasons of…

Temple to a God of the Arctic

The smooth temple walls are glacial blue and translucent, feeling cold to the touch. Whether the…

Reindeer with Glowing Antlers

Auroras form great arcs of color in the sky, obscuring the stars over the tundra. The…

Abandoned House in Snow

The empty windows and doorless frame emit no light, like black eyes with no pupils, and…