Eze Oyiye

The tall and slender young man has pointed ears like an elf, but is bearded, smooth-headed,…

Githzerai Disciple

Clarity and surety of purpose govern every aspect of the disciple’s being, allowing them to bring…

Githyankis in Castle Dungeon

This castle in the astral sea possesses gravity out of time and space, but it nonetheless…

Githzerai Mystic

Hanging in midair, this astral ascetic sits cross-legged, with bandaged hands resting palms up on their…

Githzerai Monk

This tall, slender person has humanlike features—only sharper, including pointed ears. Muscles ripple under his yellow-green…


The psionic adept, slender and calm as a reed, sits cross-legged, staring at some invisible point…

Meeting an Githzerai

The astral town floats on several chunks of wet earth, dripping ether and clods that disappear…

Broken Tree in the Road

A thick tree lies across the road, its trunk splintered at the base. Strong weather, perhaps,…

Precipice of a Cliff

The precipice juts out into the open air before you. As you approach the cliff, cautiously,…

Cliffside Clearing

A trail leads off the main road, beaten into the grass by countless boots. It ends…