Loot from an Astral Dreadnought

This dreadnought seems to have had a recent encounter with an astral-faring vessel. A tangle of…

Sundries from an Astral Dreadnought

The astral dreadnought’s hulking form drifts lifelessly upon a sea of silvery clouds. A quick orbit,…

Loot from Asmodeus, Lord of Hell

Asmodeus is nothing if not thorough: his clothing is full of hidden pouches and false-bottomed pockets…

Sundries from Asmodeus, Lord of Hell

Asmodeus lies defeated, his devilishly handsome face a mask of outrage and disbelief. Approaching the infernal…

Investiture of Wind

You speak phrases to call the ancient forces of air into your being. Answering your summons…

Entrance to Lair

The stonework threshold atop a short stone stairway is unbarred by door or gate. It leads…

Bluff Southwest of Wyvern Crossroads

Shaded by the looming cliff to the north and west, this bluff is wreathed in a…

Embracing Tree

A cluster of trees and shrubs hugging the northwest corner of this meadow mostly block the…

Meadow Southeast of Wyvern Crossroads

An open meadow of golden grass, dotted with singular trees, is modestly speckled with a growth…

Cliff Northwest of Wyvern Crossroads

The air around the cliff has the shocking yet refreshing chill of a shaded spring, and…