Sleeping Crocodilian

Basking in the warm afternoon sun, the sleeping reptilian predator resembles a large, flat rock. The…

Sleeping Velociraptors

A chorus of soft, rhythmic trills accompanies the steady breaths of the sleeping raptor pack, their…

Sleeping Ichthyosaurs

Drifting lazily in the ocean currents, a pod of ichthyosaurs slumbers among the fronds of a…

Sleeping Pterosaur

Head covered with one large, leathery wing, the pterosaur sleeps in its clifftop nest, sheltering its…

Lemuel the Bounty Hunter

A fugitive skids to a halt before a dead end. Behind them, their pursuer whistles a…

Ruined World with Mystic Blue River

Everywhere you look, you see complete annihilation. Not the gore and wreckage of war, but an…

Antimagic Gambeson

Threads of silver form a mesh through this black arming shirt. Some of the threads form…

Antimagic Manacles

A silvery alloy makes up these manacles. Lacking a chain, they instead bind the hands close…

Sleeping Hadrosaur

A heaving flank, flaring nostrils, and slowed breath denote the hadrosaur’s slumber, resting contentedly among the…

Awakening, Bound and Hooded

The grinding of bone on bone scrapes against your senses as you awaken, your world enveloped…