Corrupted Arm

Flesh writhes and pulses below the tourniquet, forming into horrifying new shapes as the tissue distorts…

Drift Phantom

A cloud of magenta energy coalesces with the acrid smell of burning. Bolts of lightning flash…

Drift Architech

A wash of awe fills the air and all sound ceases. A faint being, more symbol…

Drift Leech

A giant red slug, over three feet long, wobbles into view. Its circular maw is filled…

Dreamer Aberration

Drifting along like a sleepwalker, this huge, repulsive wormlike creature vomits forth lime-green bile. It is…


A sultry voice makes entry into the very back of your head. A cloud of whispers,…

Space Lemure

Like a runoff ooze of pinkish-purple slurry, this demon is just shy of formless. Its liquid…

Space Erinyes

A sense of dread envelops you. A fallen angel, like a devil of vengeance, descends on…

Damiaran Maggot

A large wormlike beast squelches toward you, ravenous and wriggling. It is something like a louse,…

Alien Cult Killer

Short, burly, and stocky, this insectoid creature makes not a sound. Antennae quiver above a daub…