Loot from a Beckoning Lich

Under a ridge of granulated rot and bone which might have once been the lich’s arm…

Sundries from a Beckoning Lich

The lich’s skeletal form has degraded beyond even undeath, leaving nothing but a pile of moldering…

Mighty Fortress

The caster crushes a small diamond in their palm, and their eyes roll back into their…

Ominous Closed Door

Deep cuts scar the ancient wooden door like old battle wounds, even extending to the stone…

Ominous Open Door

Steps worn smooth through years of use lead down to an ancient, battered door, which creaks…

Door Under a Spell

Stone stairs lead down to an arched wooden door. The faint purple glow between the edge…

Swordsman Shot with Arrow

A swordsman in leather with plate pauldrons and a dark green tabard is hit by an…

Loot from Animated Armor

Now that the animated suit of armor lies motionless, you warily examine its constituent pieces. The…

Sundries of Animated Armor

The animated suit of armor has collapsed, its haunted clanging silenced. The individual pieces of plate…

Assassin Climbing Rope

Silent as a cat, an assassin ascends the vertical bastion. Their form, a shadowy wraith, ghosts…