Ribol the Loxodon

His honey-gold eyes cut keenly through his surroundings, and his trunk curls neatly between two broken…

Lodin Finnsson

This elephantfolk gazes around with shimmering cobalt eyes, his brow relaxed, trunk raised, and mouth open…

Babar the Cleric

Dressed in deep green robes and donning a gold circlet, this elephantfolk stands awkwardly at the…

Magical Battle at Draconic Shrine

Cloaked figures orbit around each other in a standoff, fingers smoldering with magic. One of the…

Breaking of Spell of Petrification

Veins of magic thread through the stone. The eyes of the statue begin to simmer with…

Draconic Mountain Shrine

You trudge against the biting wind, each footfall sinking deep into the snow of this frigid…