Adult Dragon Corpse

The dragon’s corpse lies on one side, a mighty wing crushed beneath the dead weight of…

Ancient Dragon Corpse

Words can hardly convey the stunning majesty of the creature that lies before you. Even in…

Blue Dragonborn Knight

The draconic knight rushes toward you with a savage battle cry, their fang-filled maw open wide….

Kava Norixius

A young woman cavorts on stage, a spectacle of flamboyant color. Faint green scales glitter on…

Temple to a Dragon Goddess

Dragons carved in stone perch at the edge of the temple’s shingled roof. Columns shaped like…

Vivace the Half-Dragon

A stately figure—half dragon, half human—settles into a zen-like posture. Short and impressive, her slender bulk…

Dragon Fang

I charge forward to attack, my [weapon] the piercing fang of a dragon’s snapping jaw….

Lashing Gnashing

I slither like a drake, eating the distance between me and my target, then lash forward—my…

Spinning Synchronicity

I launch my [weapon] and loose a roar that undulates in spinning synchronicity….

Fire and Ire

I embody the dragon, filled with fire and ire, swinging my [weapon] like claws, chest heaving…