Broken Bridge and Bone Nest

Once a monument of trade and pilgrimage, this bridge now lies shattered, with only a few columns of weather-beaten stone marking its watery grave. Your mind rings with distant echoes of an imagined past, envisioning those who may have walked across the causeway.
This two-part map depicts a broken bridge spanning a flooded canyon leading to […]

Badger Hill

The rolling countryside is an inviting sea of lush and sprightly grass. Simple dirt roads weave through the hills, under trees, and over lazy rivers. Across one of these babbling brooks, a tower of cobbled stone tops a hill. The chimney puffs a trail of white smoke. You see a squat figure standing near the […]

Owl Cave

Shadows and light dance over the rough floor, thrown across the chamber and up the walls by torches ensconced in stalagmites. They reveal a great gap in the floor spanned by a sturdy bridge of stone. Somewhere in the dimness below, a great subterranean river flows. You spy signs of past travelers strewn about the […]

Shrine Entrance

A pair of braziers flicker eternally beside the entrance of the shrine, their flames unmoved by the breeze whistling through the valley. As you approach the towering doors set into the rock, you feel a weight pressing down upon you, as if you now carry a great burden. Two figures—eroded beyond recognition—stare down from the […]