Baroque Dark Fantasy Setting

The gala is a sumptuous portrait of aristocratic splendor. Velvet doublets and frilled dresses gleam with…

Confused Lich

The robed skeleton shuffles aimlessly around the chamber, pausing occasionally at a large desk to run…


The creature appears human at first glance, but closer inspection quickly dissuades one of this notion….

Finding a Sun Blade in the Dread Vale

Amid the dark foliage, something catches the sparse light and magnifies it, almost twinkling. Closer inspection…

Find Steed Brings Unexpected Result

You feel the familiar magic flow through your body, as easily as taking a breath. Your…

Haunting Forest

Gnarled, twisting branches knit together to form an impenetrable canopy, pressing down on the trail like…

Vampire Lord in Disguise

Lightning flashes overhead as the man turns to you, cold predatory malice replacing his usual warmth….

Mists of the Dread Plane

You become aware of a blanket of fog clinging to the ground in your immediate surroundings….

Swarm of Ravens

A series of abrasive caws peal above you. A dark shape shoots by your face, then…


The raven is among the smartest of birds. Its beak is like a black anvil, its…