Townsfolk Give Report of Monster Sighting

“We were looking through that old house, up on the hill. Nothing sinister, just thought the…

Panicked Townsman Warns of Monster Sighting

“Guards! Guards! Oh, by the gods! Some… Some horrific thing… a gray, putrid hide with sunken…

Ruined World with Mystic Blue River

Everywhere you look, you see complete annihilation. Not the gore and wreckage of war, but an…

Suddenly Vulnerable Town Attacked by Dragon

The winged lizard banks lazily in the air, warm drafts buffeting old, scaled wings. The outskirts…

Demonic Fungus Deity Speaks

Within the fungi-filled cavern, a central mushroom dominates the space like some huge obscene altar. A…

Synthetic Liquor, Burn

Despite its black screwcap and tape seal, this glass fifth bottle reeks of alcohol—suggesting biofuel more…

Magical Eye Drops, Nightwatch

Ridges make the black conical top of this bottle easy to grip for opening. The clear,…

Hallucinogenic Drug, Red Mescaline

Capped with a red screw-top, this bottle of clear plastic holds powder up to the halfway…

Tranquilizing Toxin, Slab

This ampule bears a warning label, its arcane symbols indicating dosage cautions, overdose treatment, and safe-storage…

Magic-Nullifying Gas, Spell Stripper: In Use

A telltale snick is followed by the steady hiss of a scarlet haze filling the air…