Serpentine Mummy Lord

Dry scales scrape against stone as the serpentine mummy rises from its tomb, its ragged yellow…

Viper’s Strike

I watch with a viper’s slitted eyes, snapping into action at the instant of the perfect…


Sly as a Naga, I slip around my foe and let the shenanigans begin—jabbing at them…

Complaints about Ransacked Room

“I paid for a soft bed in a clean room,” says a stern halfling, clapping her…

Surveying from the Bar

A snakefolk man moves with head hung low, the translucent membranes of his eyelids nictitating. A…

Bartenders Spring into Action

The bar staff curse as they see drinks and fists begin to fly but move to…

Tavern Bar

Guests step avidly up to the bar, their gazes scanning the tall shelves crammed with different…

Loot from a Snakeblooded Humanoid

Amid clothes and armor wrapped around the thin-framed body, you find a hefty coin purse on…

Sundries from a Snakeblooded Humanoid

The face, a smooth plain of fine, flesh-toned scales, is frozen in death, the slender pupils…

Serpentine Oracle atop Ziggurat

Leaving the blazing sun behind, you enter the cool stone chamber atop the ziggurat, your legs…