Lutist Performing in Tavern

The lutist sits on a stage framed by a tapestry of stars and bathed in the…

Pedal Harp in Orchestra Pit

[Vacant] The pedal harp standing next to one musician’s seat is nearly six feet tall. Its…

Baroque Dark Fantasy Setting

The gala is a sumptuous portrait of aristocratic splendor. Velvet doublets and frilled dresses gleam with…

Confused Lich

The robed skeleton shuffles aimlessly around the chamber, pausing occasionally at a large desk to run…

Finding a Sun Blade in the Dread Vale

Amid the dark foliage, something catches the sparse light and magnifies it, almost twinkling. Closer inspection…

Find Steed Brings Unexpected Result

You feel the familiar magic flow through your body, as easily as taking a breath. Your…

Awakened in a Dream by a Dark Power

You blink, finding yourself in almost utter darkness. Panic rises, and you will it down, easing…