Alarion Windrider

Wings whirring with the shrill whistle of a rampant wind, a figure zips through the air…


I blitz toward my foe like lightning escaping the cloud—my path zagging and my [weapon] zigging…

Black and White

Zigzagging, I burst forward holding my [weapon] high—then bring it crashing down upon my enemy like…

Cyclonic Spiral

I drive my left knee up as I lean to my right, my [weapon] held in…

Ashira Ventu

She is poised, dignified, and walks with the feline balance of a practiced fighter. A breeze…

Baroque Dark Fantasy Setting

The gala is a sumptuous portrait of aristocratic splendor. Velvet doublets and frilled dresses gleam with…

Confused Lich

The robed skeleton shuffles aimlessly around the chamber, pausing occasionally at a large desk to run…

Finding a Sun Blade in the Dread Vale

Amid the dark foliage, something catches the sparse light and magnifies it, almost twinkling. Closer inspection…


You catch the sky-blue gaze of a man in noble’s attire, his silvery satin jerkin a…

Windstep Lightfinger

The stark white hair atop Windstep Lightfinger’s head ripples with an unseen wind—a softly undulating air…