Portentous Bivvy

Incense and nonsense waft from this rundown tent, where the clatter of bones and clairvoyant moans…

Boring’s Emporium

On this side of the market, the smell of metal and leather replaces the fruity fragrance…

Drow Apprentice

A lilac glow suffuses the ebony skin of the mage as they grapple with the tumultuous…

Drow Knight

Lurid red eyes narrowed in hatred roam across you with predatory malice, expertly identifying the weaknesses…


In the steel tankard is a dark and soupy ale, thick with hops and smelling faintly…

Orc Archer Shooting

A hooded orc, an icon of primal strength, draws his bow with sinewy arms forged by…

Orc with Shield

A solitary orc warrior stands sentinel, watching from the shadows with wary eyes. His towering frame…

Orc Chieftain’s Transformation to Avatar of Storms

Laughter thunders through the cave as a massive orc—eyes eager and aglow—steps through the flaps of…

Threat from a Spurned Black Dragon Vampire

She wears the guise of a dark elf like a luxurious mantle. A gown of tiny…

Kaelen Xil’Thrazi

A drow woman wearing mithral armor emblazoned with the sign of the goddess of beauty and…