Witch Casts a Diabolical Spell

From the stygian dark shuffles a witch, her soot-gray robes as dark as her soul. Clutched…

Summon Aberration

Your eyes reflect the expanse’s vacuous black, and alien babble spills from your lips with the…

Hunger of Hadar

Reality comes apart with an unearthly scream as you summon a portal to reveal the darkness…

Evard’s Black Tentacles

A horrid slurping fills the air as tentacles erupt before you in response to your hideous…

Anti-Anxiety Street Drug, “Zone”: Ingested

As the tablet near instantly dissolves into your system, your anxiety calms. The knot in your…

Anti-Anxiety Street Drug, “Zone”

These turquoise lozenges sport a capital Z stamped on one side. More potent than your…

Performance-Enhancing Drug, Rhino: Ingested

Popping open the flask, the vapors flood your face. You inhale and close the cap quickly,…

Stimulant Street Drug, Betameth

Within the illicit world of riggers and hitmen, a chosen elixir rules: betameth, a concoction birthed…

Tranquilizing Street Drug, Dopadrine

A pink gas expands within a folded tube. It wells up into bubbles, pushed outward through…

Performance-Enhancing Drug, Rhino

The metal flask rattles as you move it about, as if it were full of beads…