Shark Corpse

The shark’s corpse is little more than a ragged, blood-soaked cadaver being jostled by the foaming…

Beached Whale Corpse

An overwhelming stench of brine and rotting seaweed washes over you as you approach the massive…

Beached Living Whale

Coated in sand and kelp, the stranded behemoth lacks the graceful majesty it commands beneath the…

Sea Serpent Corpse

Crimson waves buffet the massive serpentine corpse drifting through the gore-drenched waters around the island, and…


Godlike, the gamemaster looms large—an abstruse storyteller, a wielder of esoteric imagination. Clad in smug preeminence,…

Tranquilizing Toxin, Slab

This ampule bears a warning label, its arcane symbols indicating dosage cautions, overdose treatment, and safe-storage…

Roar Coliseum at Night

The dark of night and drumming of rain do little to dampen the noise of Roar…

The Bleeding Place after Dark

The night’s darkness is embodied in the duels that occur in the Bleeding Place after sundown:…

Roar Coliseum

Shingled with bronze dragon scales, the Roar Coliseum is a place where barbarism and opulence meet…

The Bleeding Place

This magnificent courtyard is ringed in powerful glyphs of healing; the spirits invoked take the form…