Floating Village

A balmy breeze teases the waves as they ebb and flow around the village that rides on them. With each movement of the sea, the structure creaks, ropes tighten, and salt-dusted planks groan. Gulls screech as they drift above the sun-bleached roofs—their mournful cries of hunger sounding forlorn—while schools of fish dart beneath the surface, […]

Endless Dungeon 21: The Forge

Neither the cold brazier at the bottom of the stairs nor the musty smell bode well for what you will find in this dungeon. The family crest on the wall is barely visible in the dim light, or maybe it has been intentionally obscured, and a skeleton—a dwarf by its size—lies across the entrance.
This map […]


The grand hall lies dark and quiet under the moon, not one window alight with the flicker of candle or sconce, and the gate to the front courtyard has been shut, reinforced by a heavy beam. The laborers and attendants of the family stand in a group outside the gate, shoulders sagging from the day’s […]

Frontier Village

With a mountain range in the backdrop, this animated image of a frontier village provides an idyllic and inviting visual aid for the end of a journey, a place to resupply and rest, or perhaps the start of a campaign! Find finely crafted boxed text for various features by hovering over them on the image, […]

Village by a River (Free)

This map is a perfect starting point for a campaign, a place to rest during a long journey, the setting for something more nefarious, and many more possibilities. Find finely crafted boxed text for various features and buildings by hovering over them on the map, or browse all included scenes in the list below. Toggle […]