Summon Shadowspawn

Shadows bend to your will, flowing from the crystallized tears and coalescing into a misshapen, bipedal…

Creeping Shade

Plant-like shadows take form, writhing vines oscillating in the air, like a reptile’s tongue tasting for…

Shadow-Marked Elven Woman Dueling a Demon

The blade glows with a soft radiance, casting the woman’s face in vibrant relief as she…

Walking the Line between Life and Death

Like a tide, your life ebbs and flows, drifting further and further out with each passing…

Loot from a Shadow Dragon Lair

Deep in the sharp recesses of the shadowed lair you find piles of rubble. Each mound…

Sundries from a Shadow Dragon

Black scales tinged purple wink from within the tenebrous stretch of the dragon’s body, its form…

Xey and his Doom Owl

The elf swishes forth, combining a raven’s subtle grace with an eagle’s earned arrogance. His copper…

Battle Between Shadowy Forces in Dark Dimension

Beings of darkness clash in the shadowed plane, the ringing of their blades muffled by the…

The Gray

Low fog stills around you, masking the dense surface of roots and vegetation beneath your feet….

Conference of Shadow Queen and Faerie Queen

A tall, emaciated woman—her form swathed in elegant wisps of dancing shadow—drifts to the stone table….