Townsfolk Give Report of Monster Sighting

“We were looking through that old house, up on the hill. Nothing sinister, just thought the…

Nukrolir Onyxheart

The glow of the sword strapped to his back makes the obsidian skin of the genasi…

Baldwin Bladesemmer

The earth-bonded man’s brown skin gives an impression of sculpted stone—riven with minor fissures—and his composure…

Acolyte’s Departure from Her Cult Compound

In the dimly lit night, a young woman bedecked in cultish vestment flees a sinister-looking compound….


Hands clasp forearms in an iron grip, cementing the unshakeable foundations of camaraderie. A simple, honorable…

Fairy Barbarian Leaves the Horde

An involuntary shudder causes the fairy’s wings to bristle as she observes the wanton destruction by…

Final Blow to Corrupted Companion

After a weighted pause, the blade is driven home, piercing your companion’s corrupted heart cleanly. Their…

Alcohol-Addled Punk Rock Show

The band downed a steady stream of drinks throughout the concert and they look ready to…

Mortally-Wounded Warrior Awaits Death’s Embrace

Your limbs are almost useless now. Obeying no command but instinct you press on, aching legs…

Dismissal by a Wealthy Quest Giver after a Failed Quest

“By the looks of you, you’ve suffered a great deal. But your pain is not my…