Bison Herd

A thousand or more bison form a vast herd, ponderously ranging over the countryside while grazing….

Herd of Woolly Mammoths

The frozen earth shakes as the lumbering giants draw near, heralded by the trumpeting cry of…

Elk Herd

Hundreds of elk, with russet coats and dark, shaggy necks, make steady progress on an overland…

Herd of Hadrosaurs

Low, braying calls—like cattle on the range—mark the herd meandering across the plains, unhurried in their…

Reindeer Herd

The herd numbers in the thousands—reindeer dotting the landscape in a meandering river of white and…

Pterosaurs in Flight

Silhouetted against the blazing sun, wings spread wide, the pterosaurs evoke a primal majesty few can…

Sleeping Crocodilian

Basking in the warm afternoon sun, the sleeping reptilian predator resembles a large, flat rock. The…

Sleeping Velociraptors

A chorus of soft, rhythmic trills accompanies the steady breaths of the sleeping raptor pack, their…

Sleeping Ichthyosaurs

Drifting lazily in the ocean currents, a pod of ichthyosaurs slumbers among the fronds of a…

Sleeping Pterosaur

Head covered with one large, leathery wing, the pterosaur sleeps in its clifftop nest, sheltering its…