Nukrolir Onyxheart

The glow of the sword strapped to his back makes the obsidian skin of the genasi…

Baldwin Bladesemmer

The earth-bonded man’s brown skin gives an impression of sculpted stone—riven with minor fissures—and his composure…

Tournament Winner’s Romantic Glance

The victor stands victorious, a hush falling over the spectators. In that moment, her gaze locks…

Temple to a Goddess of Pleasure

The underside of the temple’s golden dome is painted with a mural depicting the gods feasting…

Wheat Piles Prepared for a Moonlit Meeting

Several tarp-covered piles of threshed wheat sit in the field and the sweet, dusty scent of…

Grand Piano in a Ballroom

A grand piano sits in the northeastern corner of the dance floor, its bench upholstered in…

Ballroom Dance Floor

The dance floor at the center of the ballroom is recessed below the main floor, accessible…

Gardens in a Ballroom

On either side of the alcove at the northern end of the ballroom, windows shed light…

Love Letter

I caress the crossbow, and it shudders with tension. I tickle the trigger, and it quivers…

Rekindled Romance

An elderly gnome couple sits at one of the round tables, their chairs close together and…